In the face of the recent upsurge of attacks against Jewish people and property in Canada and around the world, The… continue reading
Animal to human organ and tissue transplantation poses significant risks both to transplant patients and to society at… continue reading
Viable alternatives exist to xenotransplantation - both in the immediate and long-term - that could more effectively… continue reading
Receive the report of the Adoption Task Group concerning United Church run maternity homes, and Direct the Theology and… continue reading
At its November, 2013, meeting, the General Council Executive directed the Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith… continue reading
Keywords: Sexuality, Contraception, Abortion, Restorative and Criminal Justice, Gender Justice, Health Care
That the Executive of the General Council endorse the legal position on the Baxter Class Action lawsuit taken by the… continue reading
Having received the correspondence from Maritime Conference, and the notice of motion of Pawis/Mabee from this fall… continue reading
The Executive of the General Council directs the General Secretary's Supervision Committee to consult with the Judicial… continue reading
In response to NEW05 and having the benefit of the discussion at General Council 44 on October 19, 2024, and the… continue reading