Taxonomy Term: General Council Executive

GCE41 National Inquiry Petition: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls (2013-05-04-071)

The Aboriginal Ministries Council and the Committee on Indigenous Justice and Residential Schools propose: That the… continue reading

GC43 GCE22 Commitment To Becoming An Anti-Racist Denomination

We believe God is calling The United Church of Canada to deepen its racial justice work by making a clear and… continue reading

GCE Free Trade – Mexico-U.S.-Canada (1991F676)

the country is entering into a new phase of negotiations to secure a trade agreement with the United States and Mexico… continue reading

GCE Letter to Support for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (2003L277)

That the Executive of the General Council authorize that a letter be sent from The United Church of Canada to the… continue reading

GCE Kairos Palestine Document (2010-11-13-105)

That the Executive of the General Council Receive "A Moment of Truth: A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of… continue reading

GCE Food Aid (1988F513)

support food aid for emergency needs but remain very cautious about supporting the use of food aid for other purposes,… continue reading

GCE42 Medical Assistance in Dying (GCE 42 2017)

That the Executive of the General Council: 1. receive the report of the Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee… continue reading

GCE42 Mandatory Training for Candidates (GCE 42 2017)

That the Executive of the General Council approve that: • Before being recognized as a candidate, an inquirer must… continue reading

GCE33 Low Level Military Flights (1990L542)

Therefore be it resolved that British Columbia Conference petition the 33rd General Council of the United Church of… continue reading

GCE34 Lottery Funding, Division of Mission in Canada (1993L527)

That the General Council urge formally constituted groups of the United Church of Canada to avoid applying for or using… continue reading