Taxonomy Term: General Council Executive

GCE36 Minutes 1999-10-22

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on October 22, 1999.

GCE36 Minutes 1999-04-23

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 23, 1999.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-10-23

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on October 23, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-04-24

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 24, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-01-21

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on January 21, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1997-11-21

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on November 21, 1997.

GC44 GCE01 Financial Support for Ministry Personnel Suspended While in a Directed Program for October 2023

The policy regarding financial support for ministry personnel (The Manual J.6.7) lacks flexibility and discretion… continue reading