WHEREAS primary food production policy needs to reflect an understanding of sustainability THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED… continue reading
WHEREAS the church must be concerned about the long-term production capability of our soil, we add our voice to those… continue reading
WHEREAS "the needs of the poor have priority over the wants of the rich" because "the way our society treats the poor… continue reading
That, having heard Petition #42, the 38th General Council request the United Nations through UNESCO: 1. to declare that… continue reading
WHEREAS in the Report of the Committee on Agriculture and Food Resources to the 29th General Council in 1982, a family… continue reading
WHEREAS corporate concentration and control in the market place creates disempowerment for government and food… continue reading
We are called to live with respect in creation, taking care that our actions do not seriously harm the greater web of… continue reading
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the General Council 1. URGE all levels of the church to give top priority to minimizing… continue reading
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The United Church of Canada through the 28th General Council call on the government… continue reading
That the 41st General Council (2012): 1) Publicly support the Native Ministries Council of British Columbia Conference… continue reading