Taxonomy Term: Environment and Ecology

GC41 Noah or Belshazzar—The United Church of Canada and Global Warming: Dare We Risk a Challenge Deferred (GC41 2012 - 090)

That the 41st General Council 2012: 1. strongly reaffirm Resolution M&O 1, “The United Church of Canada and… continue reading

GC31 Native Indian Fishing Rights (1986N135)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 31st General Council requests the General Secretary of General Council to request the… continue reading

GC34 Land Trusts (1992L152)

The 34th General Council resolves to: 1. endorse the current Division of Mission in Canada work in the study and… continue reading

GC41 Justice in Environmental Assessment Hearings (GC41 2012 - 034)

That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to issue a statement of concern that… continue reading

GC34 Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992I575)

Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Follow-up to the UN Conference on Environment and… continue reading

GC42 Fossil Fuel Divestment for Climate Justice (GC42 2015-024)

Encourage The United Church of Canada Foundation and direct the Executive of the General Council to take active steps… continue reading

GC31 Food Production in the Wholeness of Creation (1986F566)

The United Church supports public research and development in the area of agriculture and food production, and the… continue reading

GC33 Fishing (1990F373)

The United Church of Canada believes that there must be a just, sustainable and participatory economy for all people… continue reading

GC26 Manitoba Hydro Development and Native Rights (1974M139)

The Churchill-Nelson River Diversion Projects, a massive hydro development undertaken by Manitoba Hydro, involve a… continue reading

GC42 Lobbying Governments for a Price on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GC42 2015-022)

That the 42nd General Council commit the church to encourage the federal and provincial governments to implement an… continue reading