WHEREAS the 28th General Council (1980) expressed The United Church of Canada’s deep concern for the well-being of this… continue reading
That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to call on the Government of Canada… continue reading
That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to urge the Government of Canada and… continue reading
That the 42nd General Council 2015, responding to the ethical imperative of our faith as expressed in the social… continue reading
Having heard Petitions 128 & 130, and noted and given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) economic… continue reading
That the 40th General Council 2009 direct the General Secretary, General Council to develop a study resource to… continue reading
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council requests the General Secretary of General Council to request the… continue reading
recommend to the General Secretary, General Council for implementation or study the following: take actions over the… continue reading
WHEREAS not all ministers serving in rural charges may have the necessary background and knowledge to be of optimum… continue reading
WHEREAS the Agriculture and Food Resources Committee is concerned that many urban people in Canada do not fully… continue reading