Taxonomy Term: Gender and Sexuality

GC 35 Immigration and Female Circumcision

THAT we urge the Government of Canada to ensure that female circumcision and sexual orientation be identified as a… continue reading

GC42 Living Apology to Members of LGBTTQ Communities (GC42 2015-060)

That the 42ndGeneral Council (2015): 1. Adopt the Process of a Living Apology as a vehicle for dialogue, story-telling… continue reading

GC40 Affirming the Participation and Ministry of Transgender People Within The United Church of Canada and Supporting Their Civil and Human Rights (GC 40 2009 – 086)

encourage all congregations of The United Church of Canada to welcome transgender people into membership, ministry, and… continue reading

GC38 Apology to United Church Deaconesses and Ordained Women Clergy (B130)

Having heard Petition 66, therefore be it resolved that the 38th General Council find a way, on our behalf, to express… continue reading

GC36 Education for Tolerance Towards Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Students (1997E275)

BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council request the Moderator write a letter to: 1) all provincial and… continue reading

GC37 Dispute Resolution Procedures

The Business Committee recommended that in response to Petitions #125, #126, #127 and #128, the 37th General Council:… continue reading

GC35 Counselling Support for Complainants of Abuse (1994C577)

Having heard Petition 88, having considered the table group responses and having given careful consideration to the… continue reading

GC20 Control of Indecent Literature (1962C535)

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, through its Commission on Christian Marriage and Divorce, has encouraged frank… continue reading