WHEREAS sexism is a form of oppression that exists in church and society; and WHEREAS sexism functions to discriminate… continue reading
The 34th General Council agrees to 1. urge the Division of Mission in Canada to: compile available studies and evaluate… continue reading
The Global LGBTQTwoSpirit1 Dialogue, recommended in 2016 by the United Church Partner Council, was held in November… continue reading
WE AFFIRM that our sexuality is a gift of God. In its life-enhancing, non-exploitive forms it is a primary way of… continue reading
Be it resolves that having heard Petitions 534, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, and 542, and in the light of Resolution 91;… continue reading
The Sessional Committee, noting that the report had been provided for information, presented the following resolution:… continue reading
Therefore, we respectfully recommend the following motion: WHEREAS children, youth, women and men are all called to be… continue reading
In 1988, the United Church’s 32nd General Council made two decisions about sexual orientation, church membership and… continue reading
That the 32nd General Council receive the report Toward A Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles… continue reading
When the 38th General Council-the highest decision-making body of The United Church of Canada-decided in 2003 to ask… continue reading