That the Executive of the General Council, in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Call to… continue reading
On June 2, 2015, the United Church of Canada, along with the other church parties to the Indian Residential Schools… continue reading
WHEREAS we endorse the right of the native people to help shape the kind of regional development which is taking place… continue reading
That the Moderator and the General Secretary write to the Parole Board to say that: while we believe in restorative… continue reading
That the Executive of General Council request the Moderator and the General Secretary to renew their attempt to meet… continue reading
That the Executive of General council instruct the church’s counsel that our involvement in the current Alberni Indian… continue reading
That the Executive of General Council direct the General Secreatry to write a letter on behalf of the General Council… continue reading
That the 34th General Council of the United Church of Canada continue to pressure the federal government to respond to… continue reading
The report, which was circulated at the September meeting was reviewed. It was reported that the leadership of Oliver… continue reading