WHEREAS we affirm Jesus Christ as the life-giver of the world; and WHEREAS submarines may usually bear arms and arms… continue reading
WHEREAS we, as Christians, recognize all peoples of the earth as our brothers and sisters; and WHEREAS the escalating… continue reading
Notwithstanding many international efforts toward securing peace with justice in the Middle East and creating a better… continue reading
WHEREAS conditions in the Middle East have continued to deteriorate, the numbers of homeless and their suffering have… continue reading
On the basis of letters from presbyteries and petitions from conferences to the 36th General Council, the Executive of… continue reading
WHEREAS the world church has been called to develop Christian, social and political ethics based on the vision of a “… continue reading
From October 1989 to the end of 1990, the United Church was involved in the study of the document The Authority and… continue reading
The United Church of Canada is called continually in all courts of the church to bear witness to Jesus Christ in the… continue reading
The Anti-Racism Implementation Working Group was to serve as a resource group to develop an implementation plan for the… continue reading