WHEREAS the United Church of Canada is committed to the stewardship of creation as expressed in Genesis 1:29-31; and… continue reading
WHEREAS South Africa continues to exercise stringent apartheid measures and supports racist policies in Rhodesia,… continue reading
That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to: 1. send letters of support and… continue reading
WHEREAS the church must be concerned about the long-term production capability of our soil, we add our voice to those… continue reading
The original motion was amended to first receive the report, then approve the recommendations.
WHEREAS "the needs of the poor have priority over the wants of the rich" because "the way our society treats the poor… continue reading
The 34th General Council calls upon the Government of Canada and all provincial and territorial administrations to… continue reading
The 34th General Council urges the Government of Canada to immediately amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to include… continue reading
We affirm our acceptance of all human beings as persons made in the image of God, regardless of their sexual… continue reading
BE IT RESOLVED 1. that the 34th General Council adopt the definitions for sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual… continue reading