Taxonomy Term: Social Policy

GC34 One Earth Community

Life is a gift from God and elicits our respect, awe and reverence. We are one Earth community, one human family and we… continue reading

GC34 One Earth Community (1992O521)

The 34th General Council agrees to adopt the following statement on environment and development. Keywords: Ecology,… continue reading

GC40 On Green Energy: The Way to Address Climate Change (GC 40 2009 – 061)

Support the substitution of nuclear power with alternative more benign, forms of renewable non fossil fuel based energy… continue reading

GC30 The Middle East 1984 (1984M321)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The 30th General Council pledge support and encouragement to the Canadian Council of… continue reading

GC27 Report of the Commission on Ethics and Genetics (1977R215)

Excerpts of Report Theological, Social and Ethical Perspectives At the onset it must be acknowledged that, while the… continue reading

Report of the Dialogue on the Theme: Sin, Reconciliation, and Ecclesial Identity

I. THE THEME: Following a fruitful discussion of Trinitarian language at baptism, the Canadian Roman Catholic/United… continue reading

Report of anglican–united church dialogue 2003–2009

St. Brigid Report, so named because it was completed on St. Brigid’s Day, February 1, 2009. The metaphor “drawing from… continue reading

GC42 Relationship-Building towards Peace Between Palestinians and Israelis (GC42 2015-058)

That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary of the General Council to work on developing a… continue reading

GCE The Regulation and Labelling of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods (2005-04-21-239)

WHEREAS we are called "to live with respect in creation" (A New Creed), "taking care that our actions do not seriously… continue reading

GC29 Refugees from El Salvador (1982R224)

WHEREAS we have been informed of investigations by church groups from the United States of America which indicate that… continue reading