Taxonomy Term: Social Policy

Toward Food Sovereignty for All

Food sovereignty—or people’s food sovereignty—centres on the idea that people must reclaim their power of decision-… continue reading

GC42 Toward a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine (GC42 2015 - 053)

That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to: Focus the current strategies… continue reading

Theologies of Disabilities Report

The Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee was asked by the Executive of General Council in November 2013 to… continue reading

GC28 The Use and Misuse of Drugs (1980U753)

Theological Approach Dependency God through incarnation in Jesus Christ has affirmed that in our humanity we should “… continue reading

GC40 The United Church of Canada and Global Warming – The Unavoidable Challenge (GC 40 2009 – 066)

That the 40th General Council 2009: 1. Recognises that global warming is unequivocal, threatens the world as we know… continue reading

GC33 Paper Recycling

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 33rd General Council of The United Church of Canada establish as its policy that:… continue reading

GC34 Overseas Development Assistance (1992O822)

That the 34th General Council write to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, expressing its concern that… continue reading

GC32 Overfishing by Foreign Vessels (1988O823)

WHEREAS it has been demonstrated that overfishing of stocks of fish which straddle the 200 mile limit is seriously… continue reading

GC35 Outlawing Female Circumcision

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council ask the Division of Mission in Canada to write a letter of support to the… continue reading

Our Words of Faith

The 40th General Council that met in Kelowna, British Columbia, in August 2009 approved a motion to add to the Doctrine… continue reading