This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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THAT the 30th General Council: 1. AFFIRM the United Nations’ proposal for a mutual verifiable freeze on the development, testing, production and deployment of nuclear weapons and delivery systems of vehicles, urging our government to vote at the United Nations in favour of the freeze;
WHEREAS sexism is a form of oppression that exists in church and society; and WHEREAS sexism functions to discriminate against women; and WHEREAS sexism is manifested and perpetuated through the traditions, policies, structures and theologies of the church and thereby supports and encourages the sexist patterns of society; and WHEREAS sexism is evil and contrary to the intention of God for creation; and WHEREAS other forms of oppression will not be eradicated until sexism is eliminated; and WHEREAS to work against the evil of sexism is to enter more fully into the process of transformation and therefore to act more faithfully as the people of God:
We affirm our acceptance of all human beings as persons made in the image of God, regardless of their sexual orientations. Accumulated social science research and the articulated experience of the vast majority of both heterosexual and homosexual men and women affirm that sexual orientation is not so much a matter of choice, as a “given” aspect of one’s identity, resulting probably from a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors.
WHEREAS the world church has been called to develop Christian, social and political ethics based on the vision of a “just, participatory and sustainable” society as the foundation of a wise stewardship of all the resources with which we have been blessed by God; and WHEREAS the United Church at its 29th General Council adopted policies which apply this vision to energy and environmental questions; and WHEREAS the Division of Mission in Canada has encouraged the church to consider the vision of the kingdom, announced in the ministry of Jesus, and realized in just and right relations among humankind; and WHEREAS the state of the present Canadian and world economy represents a state of moral crisis, in which capital, rather than labour, property rather than people, are asserted as the dominant principle of economic and social life, and inequality and injustice increase rather than get reduced; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The 30th General Council pledge support and encouragement to the Canadian Council of Churches committee, which is seeking to build an inter-faith and ecumenical dialogue on the Middle East, and commend this committee’s efforts to our general membership and to the courts of the church.
The issue here is the moral issue of loving our neighbour as ourselves, recognizing our common humanity; education in the history of religions is needed by any responsible person in our society, in order to combat the ignorance that feeds racism, prejudice and bigotry. This petition is not advocating any particular theology of religion or a missiology of any kind. It is simply recognizing that knowledge of other religious traditions is necessary for peace and reconciliation in the world. WHEREAS our Canadian society is becoming increasingly pluralistic and multicultural, with people of many different religious traditions living in close proximity; and WHEREAS racism is at least partly a product of ignorance about the different cultural orientation of other people; and WHEREAS a knowledge of the religious traditions of the major participants is an essential element in understanding world affairs; and
WHEREAS the use of illicit drugs continues to be a serious problem of epidemic proportions among our youth; and WHEREAS marijuana and the other cannabis products are the major entry drugs into the drug culture and drug dependence;
The National Energy Sub—Unit and the church have a wider mandate in approaching energy and environmental concerns. It derives from the unlimited sovereignty of God over creation, and our human vocation of stewardship within that creation.
The General Council called on the governments of Canada (provincial and federal) to enact immediately legislation banning all alcohol advertising through the media; and, further, to challenge the members of the church to examine their own use of alcoholic beverages. Keywords: Alcohol, Liquor, Advertising
THEREFORE we call on the church to renounce its alliances with security and power; to name with courage the forces that militate for death and against life; to repent and to call for repentance all in the church who have allowed the longing for security to replace the love of freedom; optimism to replace hope, and fear to overcome faith. We call on the governments of the nations for an immediate end to the arms race, and to the production and deployment of nuclear weapons. We call instead for a serious commitment to a just social order with freedom and wholeness for all.