This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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Those involved in research, writing and producing an Educational Document "Water! Water! Water!" for use throughout The United Church of Canada by its members and others.
That the 38th General Council receive the following resolutions and petitions and take the actions contained therein: Petitions 64, 65, 68, 76, and 90.
That, having heard Petition #42, the 38th General Council request the United Nations through UNESCO: 1. to declare that heritage seeds are protected as a world heritage; 2. to take the necessary steps to invalidate all patents on such seeds; 3. to see that reparation is made for harm caused by such patents to the peoples whose seeds have been pirated.
In the face of the recent upsurge of attacks against Jewish people and property in Canada and around the world, The United Church of Canada reiterates its absolute condemnation of all acts of antisemitism. Antisemitism is an attack on the dignity and worth of people. Such acts and attitudes attempt to obliterate the truth that all people are made in the image of God. Keywords: Israel, Palestine, occupied, territories, peace, antisemitism, settlements
Viable alternatives exist to xenotransplantation - both in the immediate and long-term - that could more effectively address the shortage of organs and tissues for transplant with significantly fewer risks and costs Keywords: Organ Transplants, Xenotransplantation, Organ Donation
Energy is integral to God's creation. Sources ranging from fossil fuels to the sun are transformed into the physical energy used by human societies. Nutritional elements combine with water and air to give our bodies the biological energy to maintain life. Our relationships with God, the natural world, and other people provide us with the spiritual energy to thrive.
That the General Council receive the reports, petitions and resolutions listed on the INFO 22 page, with the addition of Resolution #94 and Petition #136 and the deletion of Petition #139, as listed on the Changes page, and take the actions contained therein. Dale Wiggins thanked Virginia Coleman for meeting the request of Saskatchewan Conference Commissioners to provide a replacement accountability report, re-inserting several sentences that had been deleted. nuclear, nuclear energy
Over the past five years, members of the Roman Catholic/United Church Dialogue of Canada have been involved in a careful study of the use of the Trinitarian formula in baptism. With the publication of this Report, In Whose Name? The Baptismal Formula in Contemporary Culture, we would like to invite other members of our two churches, ecumenical partners, and theological colleagues to join the dialogue. Some suggestions for study of the Report are outlined in Appendix E. Responses may be sent to either the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Commission for Ecumenism or the United Church’s Committee on Inter-Church and Inter-Faith Relations.
Whereas climate change has been identified as a priority environmental issue by the 33rd and 34th General Councils of The United Church of Canada and by the World Council of Churches (January 1994 Central Committee); and
Having heard Petitions 128 & 130, and noted and given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) economic consequences of a phase down of the nuclear industry b) the loss of technology development and necessary materials in the area of nuclear medicine; c) support for the idea of a public review; and