This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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1. Humanitarian intervention and civil war Three years after the formal end of the Cold War, the major nuclear powers have agreed that they will not use nuclear weapons against each other. Still, roughly 50,000 nuclear weapons remain. In addition, 82 armed conflicts are underway in 60 locations. Thirty-five are full-blown civil wars, clustered in 5 major hot spots in the world: (i) Southern and south-central Africa; (ii) the Horn of Africa; (iii) the Middle East, south-eastern Europe and the central Asian republics of the former USSR; (iv) south-east Asia; and (v) the Andes. People who have escaped these wars have become our neighbours in many of the major cities of Canada.
Having heard Petition 88, having considered the table group responses and having given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) noted that $100,000 is a token but it does signify willingness;
THAT we urge the Government of Canada to ensure that female circumcision and sexual orientation be identified as a ground for gender persecution as outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Board guidelines.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council 1. express its support for a negotiated peace settlement between Israel and the peoples in the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; 2. express this support to the government of Israel and to those negotiating on behalf of the Palestinian peoples, encouraging them to use all peaceful methods possible.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council ask the Division of Mission in Canada to write a letter of support to the Government of Canada for the work now in progress on preparing gender persecution guidelines.
WHEREAS Christ calls the church to be concerned for this world; and WHEREAS the ways of peace and reconciliation are preferred to acts of violence and the perpetration of hatred; and WHEREAS negotiation and mutual recognition of issues can lead to justice;
The 34th General Council strongly protests the establishment of arms trade exhibition facilities anywhere in Canada; and encourages United Church members to express opposition to arms trade exhibitions throughout Canada.
The 34th General Council agrees to 1 request the Moderator or the General Secretary to express our opposition to the arms trade to the Government of Canada through the offices of the Prime Minister of Canada, the Secretary of State for External Affairs, the Minister of Defence; and
The 34th General Council requests the Division of Mission in Canada and the Division of World Outreach a) to gather existing resources and up-to-date information on the UCC’s position on the Middle East; and
The 34th General Council agrees to 1. urge the Division of Mission in Canada to: compile available studies and evaluate the housing conditions and difficulties of single women on fixed income and single senior a. women (e.g. Maritime Conference study); b. make available the report of this study within the appropriate courts of the church; and 2. request the Government of Canada, on behalf of those in need, to re-establish the funding of cooperative housing proje