Taxonomy Term: Social Policy

GC33 Contraception and Abortion Services (1990A111)

WHEREAS as Christians we affirm the sanctity of human life, born or unborn and that life is much more than physical… continue reading

GC28 Contraception and Abortion (1980C511)

As Amended by the Executive Council of the General Council, November 1989. Preamble As Christians we wish to affirm:… continue reading

GC30 Central America (1984C215.01)

WHEREAS the right to self-determination of the Central American people is threatened by US policy in the region; and… continue reading

GCE Capital Punishment: Position of the United Church (1984C1167)

WHEREAS the recent rash of killing of police officers has resulted in renewed calls for the return of capital… continue reading

GC34 Canada’s Constitution

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 34th General Council a) makes the following statement on the future of Canada: “The… continue reading

GCE Building Toward Right Relationships - Principles in Search for Right Relationships (2003B775)

That having read the “Building Toward Right Relationships” document that the Executive of the General Council affirm… continue reading

GC30 Building a Non-Nuclear Security (1984B755)

WHEREAS the government of Canada in the early 1970s decided to end Canada’s nuclear role in NATO; and WHEREAS the UN… continue reading

GC32 Brainwashing Experiments at the Allan Memorial (1988B628)

WHEREAS during the 1950’s and early 1960’s a series of psychiatric experiments was conducted at the Allan Memorial… continue reading

GC35 Bovine Somatotropin (1994B575)

Having considered that not all persons, including dairy farmers, are opposed to the use of the bovine growth hormone… continue reading

GCE Bill C86 – Refugees (1992R227)

Whereas the House of Commons did not take into consideration on Bill C 86 by the Senate Standing Committee on Social… continue reading