Cette bibliothèque contient les documents provenant de toutes les récentes réunions de gouvernance de l’Église Unie, y compris les assemblées du Conseil général et les réunions de son exécutif. Prochainement, elle comprendra également une section intitulée Nos croyances expliquées, dans laquelle se trouveront les documents liés aux politiques officielles datant de plusieurs décennies.
Sujets pertinents
On behalf of General Council, the Audit Committee has carried out its assigned duties from 2019 through 2024, adjusting for pandemic related constraints. The audit committee focuses on:the quality of ...
Rules of order for the GC44 Annual General Meeting.
The national work of anti-racism and equity continues to be guided by the United Church’s National Anti-Racism Action Plan, which was initially shaped by the Anti-Racism Common Table, a national churc...
General Secretary's recommended motions.
General Council 44 first affirmed the existing assessment rate in 2022 and is again being asked in 2023 to affirm the current rates and principles for 2024 and potentially longer.
There are three ways of looking at the big picture for a quarter: dashboard, graph and narrative. Averages for each strategic objective area and the overall average is calculated from all activated ac...
Given that prior to the Korean War the United Church owned mission properties in what is now the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the PROK has invited the United Church to act in response to this declaration.
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GC44 Annual MeetingTopics include:2024 Annual Strategic PlanFinancial PlanningCentennial CelebrationThen Let Us Sing!300 Bloor StreetEmergent...
The General Council needs to appoint members to serve on the General Council Executive to fill two vacancies that have arisen since General Council 44 (2022).
The 44th General Council asked that a principle-based approach to its justice work be developed.